Update on Wrigley from Colin, Camille, & Claire

wrigley_adoptedThe following is a letter written by Colin, Camille, & Claire, the younger members of the family that adopted Wrigley,  letting us know how Wrigley is doing and how much they love him. We treasure letters like this, especially when they are from the younger members of the family. A big thanks to Colin, Camille, & Claire for providing Wrigley a forever home. "Wrigley is very lovable. He loves to play fetch and run. When you lay down he loves to snuggle with you. Sometimes he's a GOOFBALL, but most of the time he is normal. Wrigley loves to play with his toys. He's is very friendly and protective. Wrigley loves kids so much. We love Wrigley 1,000,000,000 times more than the universe. He loves to jump on his master or masters. Wrigley likes to stare at shadows and lights and is a very messy drinker. He has a lot of energy and runs around the house. Wrigley is also very gentle. He always opens the back door with his nose, and he wakes us up everyday at 6:30am...Even on the weekends. He is always ready for a walk. He is a very good dog.Wrigley is the best dog that you could ever wish for!Thank you for all you did to help us adopt him".Your Friends,Colin (8), Camille (6) and Claire (5)


Meet Izzy!


Flash is Adopted!