Flash is Adopted!

Flash Lily Brenda Randy DSC_0019w64When Flash came into the rescue, he captured the hearts of all those who met him.  All of the volunteers fell in love with this amazing little guy with a huge personality, and were so humbled by the fact that he was not at all hindered by the fact that he only had 3 legs.Brenda applied with us to find a companion for her 3 year old GSP Lily, as her older dog Bandit is 14, and Lily needed a playmate. When we introduced Flash to Brenda, there was no hesitation about wanting to meet Flash, and Flash was the only dog she wanted to meet.Flash needed to undergo surgery to remove not only his deformed leg on the outside, but also another leg that was found on the inside. Brenda was so excited to take Flash home, but waited patiently for the surgery, and recovery time that took a little longer than expected.  A couple of weeks after the surgery, the day came when Brenda and her husband Randy, could make the long drive to meet the new member of their family.For Lily and Flash, it was love at first site, and they got along great, like two GSP's in a pod.  For Brenda, this was her boy, and there was no question... He was going home.Thank you to Brenda, who never gave Flash's disability even a second thought, and just as dogs themselves do, she loved him unconditionally.Enjoy the rest of your life sweet boy!  You deserve it! 


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