Update on Toby (aka Hans) He's a pretty cool dog

Toby Hans _imagew64Hans was rescued last year from a shelter after being picked up as a stray. A short time later prior adopter Deana came out and adopted Hans. She recently sent in the following update:"We adopted Toby in May 2013. He has been such a wonderful addition to our family. He's a pretty cool dog. Very mellow, passive, and affectionate. He loves to play with Cassie our other GSP we rescued four or five years ago. I couldn't have asked for a better dog.I recently saw a photo of a GSP on the site and the mention them being a lap dog. Toby has become even more affectionate in the last 3 or 4 months and he's become a lap dog. If you're sitting down, he wants to be sitting on you or as close as he can to you. If you're not petting him, he'll paw at you to let you know you need to.We go on our 3 miles walks daily which he loves. His nose is to the ground probably 99% of the time. He doesn't really notice I'm with him. Very rarely does he look up. We took him to the dog beach in Huntington Beach and he loved to play in the waves. However, his nose took him running down the beach.We are so thankful to have Toby. We fell in love with him as soon as he was in the truck heading home with us. Thank you GSP Rescue!!!"Thank you Deana for letting us know Toby is doing well in his forever home!


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