Update On Moochie: A Happy And Sad Tale

20151121_131827The HAPPY:It has been several weeks since we introduced you to Moochie – a 4-5 year old GSP mix. He came to the rescue as a defensive, emaciated dog with severe wounds, a serious ear infection and itchy skin. He has been fostered now for about 8 weeks and we are happy to report that his wounds are healed, his ear infection has been treated and he has been able to gain nearly 20 lbs!! He still is a little itchy but with specific food and supplements, he is better than before. He used to be aggressive towards his foster ‘brothers’ but now is playing ‘tug-of-war’ and wrestling regularly with one of his foster brothers!!! They both are having a blast!!!Moochie wants to let everyone know what he has learned in his time with his foster mom….1.   Learning how to play nicely with another dog is actually fun!2.   Meeting ‘dog grandparents’ has lots of benefits!3.   Learning how to run next to a bicycle is fun and great exercise4.   Christmas - WOW!!!5.   After hiking numerous Inland Empire trails, Big Dalton Park is the favorite6.   Frozen peanut butter KONGS are awesome7.   Dog beds are great8.   People beds are even better!!!9.   Baths are still TERRIBLE10. People can be really great to play with.The SAD:In December, Moochie underwent anesthesia and dental work due to concerns about swelling around one of his canine teeth. The veterinary surgeon was concerned about it being a tumor and a biopsy was sent out. UNFORTUNATELY, it was not good news. Moochie was diagnosed with an aggressive tumor of his mouth that is rarely responsive to treatments. The veterinary oncologist estimates that he has 4-7 months to live, and a medication is being tried to hopefully prolong that time. However, he is very happy and does not know that he has a bad diagnosis and prognosis!!Moochie is full of life and love. He is so thankful for a second lease on life after being found as a stray. However, his number one item on his bucket list is finding a forever home. If you are interested, please click here and submit an application to adopt Moochie. If you can't provide a home for Moochie, you can still help by contributing towards his medical care.[give_form id="31586"]


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