Meet Rosa!

Rosa is a 6 year oRosa Safe GSP Rescueld black and white GSP that gets along well with all dogs, and seems to be particularly excited about the smaller ones, trying to get them to play.  She is crate trained and housebroken and very, very gentle. She is getting used to riding in a car, but will need some short, happy trips to teach her that cars lead to more than just the vet! Rosa is quite mellow and quiet, but we can't guarantee she will stay that way once she gets used to her new home and gains some trust in her new people!Rosa’s story started off pretty remarkable, as she was abandoned in a yard in Tijuana and nearly starved. Rescued by a good Samaritan, she received vet treatment in Tijuana and was cleared for transporting to the U.S.  and California GSP Rescue, where she has been in foster care gaining weight and confidence. Initially, she appeared nervous and scared when her foster mom approached her, but as she's settled in, got used to things and found out who gives out the food, she readily seeks out pets and ear rubs! She is starting to respond to commands, too, as foster mom believes she is now learning them in English. She does a bit of trash-diving and counter-surfing - which is understandable given her recent past - but some precautions and corrections should take care of that. 

Mostly, Rosa loves her new soft bed and to stay close to home. She is starting to venture out into the big property at her foster moms, though, and does like to sniff and explore a little. She is a bit hesitant on a leash and needs a little encouragement now and again - this too should improve as she overcomes her shyness and gets used to her new home and neighborhood.
With patience and time, Rosa will be a sweet addition to the right family.If you have room in your home and your heart for Rosa, please apply here. 

Update On Moochie: A Happy And Sad Tale


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