Update On Lily - Age Is Just A Number!

roxy_lilly_5Older adult GSPs still have so much to give! Just read this update from Jeff and Lana - adopters of Roxie over a year ago:
In October 2011, we adopted a GSP named Lily (aka Roxie). And, our lives changed for the better. Lily was eight years old when we adopted her. And, she lives true to that saying— age is just a number. At nine, Lily still goes on four mile runs and plays hard. Usually, the most common comment she gets is, “Wow, she looks young.”

This past year, we’ve discovered that Lily loves: walks, stuffed toys to ‘kill’, car rides, dog beach, sleeping in the bed, and being with us. Also, she has funny quirks like: snoring, running in her sleep, ‘hunting’ for tennis balls in the bushes, and doing her ‘happy dance.’(This is where she hops on her front paws when she’s excited.)

So, here’s how our lives have changed the most in the last year:
  1. Our phones weren’t filled with photos of our dog.
  2. Our second bedroom was the “guest bedroom” not,” Lily’s room.”
  3. We didn’t have a dog bed in every room and in the backyard.
  4. We weren’t coordinating schedules so, Lily wouldn’t miss a walk.
  5. Dog toys, treats and food were never on the shopping list.
  6. Our hearts weren’t owned by a white, liver-ticked GSP!
Lily is the perfect dog for us, and each day we feel so lucky to have her! Thanks so much for bringing her into our lives.

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