Moe is adopted!

Moe_Memphis_Michelle_Tyler_Joaquin_DSC_9249w64Sadly, Moe was relinquished when his owner passed away and his wife couldn't keep up with the exercise demands of this adult GSP. But Moe's sad story is turning out happily as his new family is devoted to seeing that Moe, now Whiskey, is getting all the attention and love he needs.While Moe has had some difficulty adjusting to being part of a pack, his new family has worked hard at integrating him and recently wrote,  " Everyone is getting along, Moe, whose name is now ”Whiskey” is our new cuddle monster, we love him so much, our other dogs enjoy his company as well. Life to Whiskey is all about playing with his ball, enjoying all his love from the family, cuddling on his own personal couch and going on adventure walks… We love him, thanks GSP rescue for all you do! "Thank you Michelle, Tyler, Joaquin and Big Memphis for bringing an adult dog into your home and for realizing that, although the transition can be some work, it is totally worth it! 


Update On Lily - Age Is Just A Number!

