Tucker Is Adopted!

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Kurt and Michelle applied in 2020 to adopt a young male GSP to join their active family. They didn’t want a puppy, but a dog 2 to 5 years old who could join Kurt on his runs. They also wanted a dog as a companion for their sweet Lab/Pit Willow, with a good temperament with both dogs and people to accompany them around their dog friendly neighborhood. An experienced trainer of different breeds, this would be their first GSP, however, they did their homework, and were completely ready and committed, and were willing to wait as long as it took to find the right dog.

Several months later, we took in a 2 1/2 year old all liver stunning male GSP who was surrendered to a shelter due to his high energy, and his owners were unable to manage him. Well things were looking up for this boy named Tucker, because as we got to know him better, it was clear that he could be just what Kurt and Michelle were waiting for. We set up a meeting with their family, and things couldn’t have gone any better. Tucker found his forever home.

We have received several updates from Kurt of what Tucker now known as Archie has been up to, and we couldn’t have chosen a better family for him. Thank you Kurt, Michelle, Mason and Willow for welcoming this amazing boy into your hearts and your home.

“All is good so far with Archie (Tucker). He went on a three mile hike/jog yesterday and all was good. Also good on leash training. He is even “Tandem” walking with our other dog which is amazing and great bonding. I have left him alone (with Willow in room with him) in kennel three times - twice for an hour and once for two hours and all was good. It was after a baseball field outing and walks, so he was tired, so will keep those short some times for agile before increasing time. Only interesting thing is his desire to jump the dog beds. So we are working on that. All the neighbors already know who the “pretty boy” or “wow what a good looking dog” Archie is. Will be working more with him on socializing with other dogs. As right now some dogs he is fine with and others he will bark as they approach. He seems to just want to play. But he needs to understand some dogs just go walking by and don’t put attention to him. If that makes sense. I try to tell those “walkers” to just let the dogs say “hi” but some seem to have had other bad experiences and it’s more the owner than the dog. Archie seems happy and liking the new home.

Archie loves to hike and go on his runs. One usually is 2 miles and another day will be 3 miles. He and willow are getting along awesome. He just spent about two hours in the back yard with me as I did yard work and as a neighbor next door was doing yard work and he was good. Sleeping in crate good. We do know when he has to go out in morning because he lets us know.... ha! Overall we so are excited and hopefully he can tell how much we love him already. The only place he can get up on anything is my son let’s him up on his bed to hang out, sleep or whatever when Mason is in there playing video games. So that is a treat for Archie to be up on the bed. Neighbors are all getting to know him when we walk. So all is pretty good.

He is a great addition to the family, and the best is Mason has a new friend to help him through missing his sister that just went to college. He won’t admit he misses her, but he does. So Archie is good for him.

Thank you, thank you for bringing Archie into our family’s lives. He’s a pretty awesome little guy!



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