Truman the Brown Dalmatian

It has been almost a year now since sweet, gentle Truman was adopted by Ashley. Truman had some severe separation anxiety, and Ashley was our hero for continuing to work with Truman to find a routine and lifestyle that would work for both of them. Ashley and Truman recently sent us this update:"Most importantly- Truman is doing great! He wants everyone at the rescue to know that he has settled into his new life and quite likes being a city dog. Swimming pools, hotel rooms and music video sets are where he likes to hang these days.We just got back from a 3-day business trip to Montecito where he got to stay at the super lux & also dog friendly San Yisidro Ranch while I supervised a photo shoot. Truman says he had to sit through a lot of boring meetings but hanging on the deck and room service scraps made it more tolerable.When Truman isn't at home or out with me he gets to go to play-camp. There are lots of other dogs there and toys to play with but he mostly just likes to observe the other dogs, lay in the sun and hang out with the handlers.I guess he hasn't changed much in that way. His eccentric behaviors continue to endear him to me and everyone else he meets. Truman really is one of a kind and I love how quirky he is.Until recently we thought Truman was the only GSP Downtown but there have been sightings and rumors of two GSP puppies in the neighborhood. Truman has been assured he is the original GSP and that those other dogs pale in comparison.He agrees that this is true and makes sure everyone Downtown knows that he was the first and continues to be the best...He also hopes that with the addition of other GSP's in the area people will stop asking if he is a brown Dalmatian. I don't know why this is such a common question but it is asked almost daily. It's become a running joke with all my friends because they have inevitably witnessed it.Hope this note finds you and all the other volunteers well."We know the road was not always easy for Ashley, but it seems clear he's found a best friend![portfolio_slideshow]     


Ebony has her own special look!


What is the Golden Paw Program?