Ebony has her own special look!

Ebony_ball_DSC_8109w64Ebony, like most of our GSP mixes that come into the rescue often get overlooked by potential adopters looking for a purebred.  What most people don't know is how wonderful the mixes are, and Ebony wants to tell you why GSP Mixes are cool too!If you love GSP's, then anything mixed with a GSP is even better!GSP mixes have their own unique look!GSP mixes love to play fetch!GSP mixes have their own special smile!GSP mixes are very smart!GSP mixes are very loving!GSP mixes love to give kisses!GSP mixes love to run and play!GSP mixes come in many different colors!We may look a little different, but we still possess the heart and soul of a purebred GSP.If the energy of a GSP is a little too much for some, a mix might be a perfect choice, as their energy levels appear to be a bit calmer than that of a purebred.If you are interested in fostering or adopting Ebony, please complete an application


Jojo is safe!


Truman the Brown Dalmatian