Trae Is Adopted!

Trae Adoption PhotoTrae has found his forever home. After going through more than we can imagine in his previous home, he is getting the love, attention, and spoiling he deserves! Janet and Dennis are seeing to it that he is well-fed, getting some training, has a soft, cushy bed and plenty of time with his new (and improved) family!Trae was nearly starved to death - both of food and the attention he craves - before he came to California GSP Rescue. At 37 pounds, his need for rescue was urgent and many volunteers jumped into action to make sure he got the the Rescue.  He would have been snatched up quite quickly with his loving personality, but we had to fatten him up enough so that he could be neutered first. It was difficult to follow the vet's advice, because we wanted to feed him mountains of food right away! We were careful instead to feed many small meals and gradually work up to a more normal feeding schedule. Trae rewarded us with adding some weight and was on his way to his new home before we knew it.Janet and Dennis updated us soon after taking him home. They said, although he marked a few times, he quickly got the hang of giving them a little bark to let them know he needed to go out. It took him a little longer to realize the nice soft bed was for him and to use it, and he's a really good boy in his crate when they have to leave him. With both working from home, though, Trae gets lots of time with his humans and doesn't spend much time alone - which we are thrilled to see, as he had enough "alone time" in the past to last a lifetime.He also gets to sleep in their son's room and they are quickly becoming the best of buds. He is finally eating his two full meals a day, probably due to the little "extras" Janet cooks for him. He is also loving his toys - the squeakier the better. With patience and bacon, he is getting better at obedience and recall and they  tell us he is a bundle of energy! Janet also tell us he has quite a bit of personality;  sweet as can be and he snaps at invisible something in the air. They are calling him their snapping turtle.

Most importantly, though, they tell us, "He is a sweet lover boy and we love him."

Reese Is Safe!


Beau Baggins... A Story Of Survival To Help Others