Reese Is Safe!

Photo_2016-08-23_03-44-12_PMReese is safe and out of the building!Not enough good things can be said about the dedicated volunteers that help transport the dogs we rescue from shelters. It's not uncommon to get a call or email wanting to know if you are available to assist in transporting a dog from the shelter to the rescue and then waiting. Waiting because we need to have a transport arranged before we can commit to taking the dog and often the request comes a few days before the dog is available. Of course, we're always happy when the owner is reunited with their pet but are often on alert waiting to see if the dog is available and the transport is on.We were notified about Reese that she found as a stray, and wound up at a local shelter. Once Reese became available, volunteer Spring stepped up to pick her up, and help transport her to the California GSP Rescue and one step closer to her forever home. We are looking forward to sharing the next chapter in Reese' story where everyone lives happily ever after.A truly big thanks to Spring for wasting no time pulling Reese from the shelter to get her to safety, and to all those who shared her post, and for those who notified us about Reese. All those involved and our volunteers made a difference in one dog's life while several other volunteers will see that she gets to her forever home.You can help us continue our plight to rescue GSP's in need. Please consider making a small donation to sponsor Reese while she is in our care while waiting to find her forever home.[give_form id="31590"]


Meet Mambo!


Trae Is Adopted!