Tobi is Safe!

Tobi GSP shelter safe rescuedCalifornia GSP Rescue recently learned about an adult female GSP at a Southern California shelter in early December. This particular shelter has an established relationship with a large animal welfare group that helps adopt out the dogs that end up at the shelter. Most purebred GSPs, as well as other purebreds, are adopted out through the animal welfare group. However, we have assisted with the adult and older dogs when they have shown up at this shelter. We were a little surprised to learn that the animal welfare group pulled this adult GSP to place her as they tend to focus on the younger more adoptable dogs but knew she would be safe with the group.A few weeks later we were contacted by the animal welfare group notifying us that they weren't able to give this adult GSP they had pulled from the shelter the medical care she needed and asked if we could help. They were concerned after their Vet aspirated several of the masses and found inconclusive results for a few of the lumps. Having rescued many dogs from shelters in need of medical attention, we didn't hesitate to help this beautiful GSP and immediately made plans to pull and transport. However, we were now into the week of Christmas, and making arrangements were a little more complicated with volunteers having plans and the shelter's limited hours. Fortunately, Volunteer Lisa, who has helped many times in the past, made time over the busy holiday weekend to pull and transport. A few days after Christmas, Tobi was safe! Lisa mentioned several times how sweet and well behaved she was on the ride to the rescue. When she arrived, several volunteers interacted with Tobi and commented on her sweet demeanor.Since then, Tobi has been seen by our Vet who found  a couple of lumps he believed to be hemangiomas and adenomas - both benign growths. Plans were made to have them removed when he spays her. You'll be hearing more on our website about this amazing girl very soon!Thank you to Lisa for getting Tobi to California GSP Rescue as well as all the other volunteers that interacted and gave her a lot of attention she arrived. We learn a lot from the volunteer's feedback about the dogs and appreciate those individuals that regularly give their time to help our all volunteer organization. We would also like to thank those individuals that donate and allow us to continue to rescuing dogs in need of medical attention like Tobi. Tobi was the last dog rescued from a shelter in 2014 and we couldn't have rescued her and all the other dogs without the support we have received throughout the year.[donate_button button_type="default" title="Sponsor Tobi" description="Tobi was rescued from an animal welfare organization that wasn't able to give her the medical attention she needed and reached out to California GSP Rescue. We can only continue to help GSPs like Tobi with your help. " style="wdf-fresh"]


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