Blossom is Adopted!

Blossom Steve Pam David Braden Garrison DSC_0070w64Blossom finds her forever home! Steve, Pam, David, Braden, and Garrison had applied to adopt a few years ago. They previously had another female GSP that they loved.  They were taken with Blossom's video when she came in from the shelter and all decided jointly they were ready to adopt. They came out to meet Blossom and felt she was the right fit for their home.Blossom, while very sweet, did need to learn manners in the home when she first went home with her forever family. Blossom thought the table was available to her and had likely lacked in training in her prior home.  Pam and Steve and their sons are working on her manners and progressing daily.They are walking Blossom daily and really enjoying her sweet personality and getting in some good miles on their shoes with this young GSP. Blossom is truly blossoming in their care, and we are so thankful for another committed adoptive family.Blossom is adopted, but click here to see our dogs that are still available for adoption. 


Elvis is Adopted!


Tobi is Safe!