Tigger and Jake are Safe!

Tigger GSP dog Humane Society Valley FeverLast month California GSP Rescue was contacted by a remote Humane Society that had found two GSPs emaciated and running loose in the middle of nowhere. The Humane Society had both dogs for several weeks putting weight on them while waiting for their owners to claim them. During that time, while they were well cared for, no one showed up looking for two GSPs that had been lost. Unfortunately, no one had expressed any interest in adopting either dog. Apparently no one visiting the Humane Society wanted an amazing adult GSP. Granted, one of the GSPs did have some medical issues the Humane Society had been treating, and had briefed California GSP Rescue on the additional medical treatment he would need.California GSP Rescue didn't shy away from a GSP in need of medical attention. After being contacted, transportation arrangements were made - which wasn't easy given the location of the Humane Society. Transporting both dogs required Samantha, a volunteer from the Humane Society, and California GSP Rescue Volunteer Geoff to drive several hours each to meet at a destination in the middle.Both volunteers were amazed at how well these boys traveled, which is just the tip of the iceberg of the things we like about these two dogs. You'll have to wait for the bios to read more!For now, California GSP Rescue would like to thank Humane Society Adoption Coordinator Lisa, Humane Society Volunteer Samantha, and California GSP Rescue Volunteer Geoff for seeing both Jake and Tigger are safe!Regarding the medical condition - Tigger was diagnosed, by the Humane Society, with a health condition called Valley Fever. While it isn't contagious and isn't fatal as long as it is treated, it will require medication for the next several months, at least seven months per our Vet that examined him. Tiggers medication will cost $200 a month. California GSP Rescue is asking for assistance. Please consider making a small donation to sponsor Tigger while we find him a forever home.[donate_button button_type="custom" title="Sponsor Tigger" description="Tigger has been diagnosed with Valley Fever. The medication to treat his condition will cost $200 a month for at least six month. " style="wdf-fresh"]


Tater is Adopted!


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