Tater is Adopted!

AdoptedIt is our pleasure to bring you the news that Tater, an adult GSP has been adopted!Randy, a long time GSP owner and devoted pointer Dad, knew he wanted a mature and settled dog as his companion. Knowing he would travel quite a bit with his dog, he was realistic enough to know a really young German Shorthair was not the best dog to adopt.As many experienced GSP owners know, those "golden years" are Golden! There is nothing like the love and devotion of a mature or senior dog and Randy tells us that Tater - now known as Jake - is settling in quickly and is just a "terrific dog".Thank you Randy for giving a deserving dog a wonderful home!If you would like to learn more about the wonderful senior dogs in our care that are still waiting to be adopted, please click here.


Sonny Boy is Adopted!


Tigger and Jake are Safe!