The OC Pet Expo was a success!

We had a great time out at the OC Pet Expo this past weekend! We met many people that came by our booth that either grew up with GSP's, had a GSP at home, had previously adopted from us, or wanted to know more about the breed.We took full advantage of walking the dogs around the expo, which turned some heads and lead many of them to our booth.These types of events are so special because there are many people that don't know about our rescue, and it gives us the opportunity let GSP owners know that we are here locally and also be able to introduce and educate those that aren't familiar with the breed.We would like to thank everyone that stopped by our booth to say hello and a special thank you to the volunteers, Lisa, Jeanne, Rabecca, Teri, Cathy, Spring, Rob and Pam for bringing the dogs and working at the booth.Here are a few photos of the event with Chip, Morley, Beau, Luna and some guests who stopped by.[portfolio_slideshow]


Dusty likes his back scratched


Carrie and Skully hike to Devil's Punchbowl