Carrie and Skully hike to Devil's Punchbowl

Last year, Ray, Irene, & Matthew adopted a second GSP from California GSP Rescue. Recently they sent the following update telling about a hike to Devils Punchbowl they took with their two adopted GSPs, Carrie and Skully."The hike to the pedestal is approximately 3.7 miles, so the round trip is a little over 7 miles total.  We started out okay, but as you can imagine, my three fellow hikers slept all the way home, even though they had several water and snack breaks.My intentions were to start out early, before the desert critters began their afternoon movement, but it didn't work out that way.  About 1:00 p.m. the birds, quail, and squirrels started to move and, well, need I say more.  You can see by the wild look in Carrie's eyes that she was "all over it."  And not a bird, nor butterfly could get past Skully, "Mr. Happy-Go-Lucky's" radar.  They were like a herd of horses one minute and two frozen sculptures the next.  If there is one thing I've learned with GPS's,  it's a good idea to have a ball handy at all times.  So the last half hour was stop and go, but eventually we made it to the car, and best of all (my favorite part) the pups were wore out.  It was a lot of fun!!! - Ray, Irene, and Matthew" Thanks for sharing the update about the fun (and tiring) hike!


The OC Pet Expo was a success!


Anna is a puppy again!