Teva In Memoriam

Teva_117w64Sarah adopted Teva, an adult all liver GSP, 9 years ago and recently notified California GSP Rescue that she had passed away. Sarah wrote the following heart warming memorial for Teva."I first learned about the breed when my good friends, John and Diane Popovich, adopted two from the rescue in the late 90s. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to adopt my girl in 2005 when my living situation changed. I moved to a cabin on Big Bear Lake that had a dog door and fenced in dog run. Once I was settled, the first thing I did was adopt my girl, Teva. I wanted the one with the spots, but she chose me and I decided that spots were not so important after she leaned into my legs and wouldn’t leave my side when standing in the field with all the others. When I brought her home, my sister and I quickly learned that she needed to be encouraged to go in the house, so we crawled in on all fours with her. She was so scared because she had never been in a house.We kept fit by logging many miles on the National Forest trails just outside my home and office. My hiking companions called her “Teva Jones”. I brought her to work at the Big Bear Discovery Center every week since it is a dog friendly facility. She would sit at the entry to my office greeting my colleagues. On days that she would hang out at home, which were plenty, I know she enjoyed sitting on my couch and looking out the window at the squirrels. If I didn’t forget to lock the refrigerator (yes, I said locked) she would pick out a few eggs and cheese to munch on. I never did get to training her to pour me a glass of wine. Teva was 14 years old and I will cherish the last nine that I spent with her."Thank you Sarah, for adopting Teva and giving her the love and attention she deserved. 


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