Emma is Safe!

Emma is safeWe hear about GSPs in shelters all the time. Some might be mischievous GSP's, and figure a way to escape their yards while their owners are away. Many of these GSPs get claimed by their owners. Other GSP's are dropped off at the shelters because the owners no longer have time for their GSP and don't bother to Google "GSP Rescue".Dropping a dog off at the shelter might be convenient, but it isn't always a happy ending for the dog.Emma didn't escape from her yard, but was dropped off at a local shelter because she has a medical issue and needs medication the family apparently could no longer afford. What is so tragic is that dogs with medical issues have less opportunities to be adopted. Shelters, as in Emma's case, can deem the dog "rescue only". Other shelters may deem dogs with medical issues "unadoptable" and may never be made available to an adopter or rescue.California GSP Rescue doesn't turn dogs away because of their age or medical issues, nor do they focus on the younger more adoptable GSP's.  Fortunately for Emma and other dogs like her, the California GSP Rescue takes in any GSP that we feel can be placed in a forever home.Last week, a few days after being relinquished to the shelter and we were notified, volunteers pulled and transported Emma. Emma is now safe and one step closer to her forever home.A big thanks to our volunteers for helping transport, as well as all the individuals that help support California GSP Rescue. We rely on individuals to help network and find GSP's like Emma their forever home, as well as those individuals that regularly make donations that help us to provide for the dogs in our care.We'll have more on Emma real soon, and we are pretty sure everyone is going to be amazed that this GSP was relinquished to a shelter.


Teva In Memoriam


Cork is Adopted!