Spot is Adopted!

SSpot Sam Nancy DSC_0378w64pot is adopted! Actually, Spot was adopted a little while  ago and his new family has been working on integrating him into their home. So, we have been waiting for a bit of an "ending" to the story in order to tell it.Spot, affectionately known as Rex the Wonder Dog to his family,  is reported to, "love the backyard and spends much of his time chasing things into the bushes and sunbathing in the driveway. When he is inside he spends his time looking out the window or snuggled up between us on the couch. He is definitely making himself at home and seems to look forward to belly rubs and snuggling in the evenings." Nancy and Sam also tell us " he is working his way into our home, family and hearts".The "work", however, has been in good relations between the family cat, Lorcan, and Spot. Although Spot tested well with cats while at the Rescue, apparently, having his very own cat at home was a little too much for him. The family decided to bring in a trainer and has been working with the two. They are starting to see he is able to break his focus on the cat, which is progress, and will continue to work on the two living harmoniously together. They offer the best advice for bringing a new dog into your home, cat or not, and that is "time and patience".We are so glad sweet, smart, and affectionate Rex has found his forever family! Thank you Nancy, Sam and Lorcan for helping him become part of your home! 



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Roger Dog Has A Bright Future Thanks To You!