Roger Dog Has A Bright Future Thanks To You!

Roger Dog Cuteness_2014_09_06_09_17_28Roger Dog came to us with a broken leg.  It appeared that he had been hit by a car, and possibly as long as a month before we were able to get him to safety.We took Roger Dog immediately to our vet to be examined. Dr Kang had been forwarded x-rays from the shelter vet and knew surgery was imminent. However, when Dr Kang opened up Roger Dog’s leg, he found the injury was older (over 30 days) and had already started to heal. Unsure what could be done, Dr Kang immediately informed us that he was unsure he could re-break the leg and the two remaining options would be to sew him up with a leg that he would never fully use or amputate the leg. While we let him know we would prefer not to amputate, Dr Kang spent the next five hours in surgery where he was able to re-break and set Roger Dog’s leg.Through the incredible network of support we received for Roger Dog through your donations, he now has a bright future, able to run and play just as a puppy should.  Volunteering is one way to help the rescue, but your donations also make a huge difference for us to continue to save dogs who need medical attention like Roger Dog.Thanks to you, Roger dog will be available for adoption very soon, and we are now accepting applications for him.We appreciate your continued support of the rescue, and we have a little surprise for you in the video below.


Spot is Adopted!


Meet Whitney!