Spike is Adopted!

GSP German Shorthaired Pointer adopted rescued Andi and Robb were looking for a female companion for their 5 year old male GSP Tugg, and also a dog that would do well with their cats.We had a bit of a challenge here, as their male GSP was a bit on the dominant side, and very protective of Andi, so we had to find them a good match that would be easy going and have a soft spot for cats.  Andi and Robb also wanted a female GSP close to the age of Tugg that would join him in a game of ball, and enjoy playing together.Spike fit the description of the type of GSP Robb and Andi wanted for their family except for one thing... He was a male.  When they brought Tugg out to meet Spike, Spike defied all odds and things went much better than they expected. They played together in the field, and while Tugg was a little more dominant, Spike had no reaction and they were off to a good start.Robb comes from a home where his mother trained dogs, so he was up to the challenge to continue working with both dogs, and introducing Spike to the cats.  Already having a young GSP, they were dedicated to making sure that Spike got the daily exercise he needed, and appreciated what a very special dog he was.We have recently received an update from Robb and Andi. "Spike is acclimating well, and he has overcome his shyness and his personality is starting to develop. Like all GSP's he has his unique peccadillos. Tugg has adjusted to having a new friend and although a bit grumpy at first, Tugg is enjoying having a companion to romp with".Thank you Robb and Andi for reaching out to adopt an adult dog, and for being open to a male GSP that ultimately was a great fit for Tugg!Be sure to watch our Facebook Page throughout today to see some photos of Spike in his new home, and wait until you see the one with the cats!


Vienna is Adopted!


Charlie and Lucy are Safe!