Charlie and Lucy are Safe!

Charlie Lucy Safe Martina 3 legged three demodex skin The first full week of January was a busy week for California GSP Rescue, NorCal GSP Rescue, and GSP Rescue of San Francisco with half a dozen German Shorthaired Pointers showing up in the Central Valley. That is in addition to the handful of GSPs we were monitoring the same week in Southern California. Fortunately, with the help of some dedicated volunteers from each rescue, all the GSPs made it to safety including the two we rescued.Charlie, a three legged GSP, and Lucy, a GSP with a skin condition, showed up at a small shelter north of Bakersfield earlier in the week. Charlie had been picked up as a stray four months prior and returned back to his owner while Lucy was a first time visitor to the shelter. Knowing Charlie's owner from his prior visit, the shelter gave him a call to let them know his dog had been found running loose and brought to the shelter. They also asked if he was aware of the other GSP, Lucy, that had come in with Charlie that appeared to be suffering from a skin condition, but the owner said he was not.The shelter learned from the owner that Charlie had lost part of his leg due to an infection. Apparently, since the last time Charlie had been picked up he had gotten his leg caught in some wire or rope and the leg had gotten infected. A Vet wasn't consulted and the owner decided to treat the infection himself. However, the infection worsened until Charlie chewed the end of his leg off. Since this horrific accident, the leg had healed and Charlie had acclimated to using just three legs enough so that he was able to escape his yard and be picked up as a stray.Fortunately, Charlie's old owner didn't have any interest in picking him up and relinquished him to the shelter so that he could be rescued by California GSP Rescue. We know that injured dogs at shelters have little chance of being adopted, and even though Charlie had since healed, he wouldn't receive much attention from the visitors to the shelter.Shortly after Charlie had shown up in the shelter, we had been notified by Animal Rescue Advocate Shannon that he and Lucy needed rescuing. Shannon put us in touch with Transporter Richard who was planning a trip to Thousand Oaks with several other dogs from the local shelters. Finding transport for the two from the Central Valley was a huge help as many times a Volunteer from Southern California has to drive several hours to and from the shelter. As Richard made plans, we too made plans for a volunteer to meet him. Volunteer Martina had the day off from work and offered to meet Richard to pick up Charlie and Lucy. Within just a few days of learning of the two GSPs in need, they were safe and on their way to California GSP Rescue.A big thanks to Volunteer Martina for taking the time on her day off from work, transporter Richard for getting the dogs closer to Los Angeles where it was easier for us to arrange the final transport, and Rescue Advocate Shannon for keeping an eye out for GSPs in need. These individuals as well as the many volunteers that assist in other ways, help assuring GSPs are safe, make California GSP Rescue a success.While we have placed many three legged dogs, although none have lost their leg by chewing the end of it off, as well as GSPs with skin conditions, we'll be seeing that both Charlie and Lucy receive the medical attention while in our care. Lucy has already visited a Vet and been diagnosed with Demodectic mange which isn't contagious, and is very manageable. She'll be treated while we look for her a forever home. A couple of the Vets we work with have been consulted about Charlie and he is scheduled to see a specialist about his leg. We'll want to make sure we do all that we can for him while he is in our care as well as let any potential adopter know all we can about ways in which to help Charlie adjust. If you are interested in sponsoring Charlie or Lucy, please consider making a donation below.[donate_button button_type="default" title="Sponsor Charlie and Lucy" description="Your donation will help us provide the necessary medical care for each while we find them each forever homes" style="wdf-fresh"] 


Spike is Adopted!


In Memory of LeRoy, "Our Sweetest Friend"