Spice is Adopted!

Spice Kelly DSC_0009w64Kelly and Pete applied to adopt a young German Shorthaired Pointer under 3 years old. Kelly and Pete were newly married and waited until they had a home with a yard to bring a new dog into their family. Kelly works from home, and both she and Pete are active, able to provide a puppy the extra attention and exercise they would need.Pete grew up with a GSP, so he was well aware of the energy and the amount of exercise required for a young GSP. Kelly also grew up around dogs and cats, and both were 100% committed to the training and patience a puppy would need. Kelly told us "We understand the love and patience it takes to raise a rescue puppy, and understand the tremendous rewards it has as well".We went to work to find a good fit for Kelly and Pete and their cat, but it didn't take long. We just happened to have a young GSP Mix come in just under a year old who did pretty well around the resident cat, that we thought would be a perfect fit for them.  Thankfully they were open to a GSP Mix, made the appointment to meet Spice, and the fact they were driving over the state line to meet her, they were pretty sure that she was the one.  When they met Spice, they absolutely fell in love with her.When they came out to the rescue, they had two tags. One with the name Spice, and one with the name Stella.  They loved both names, but wanted to see her personality unfold before they decided on her name.  Since going home, Spice is now known as Stella.  We recently received an update on Stella from Kelly, and she is fitting in perfect!

"Stella did so well on the car ride home.  She slept just about the entire time and settled in right away.  She has such a sweet, loving and playful personality.  We're teaching her to chew on her toys, instead of anything and everything else she can find.  She loves going out back with us and playing.  She also loves walks and is surprisingly great on a leash.  She has also learned how to sit already.  It only took her two times to pick it up; she's incredibly intelligent. She is doing so well and fits into our home just perfectly. Stella has such a sweet demeanor with the cat, but since she's a pup she is still really pawsy, which causes the cat to hide sometimes. She has adjusted well to her new home and has become a 40lb lap dog.  At least she thinks she is a lap dog hahaha.  We run her twice a day and she already knows how to sit and shake, in addition to being an amazing retriever. We've seen her point twice now with her paw lifted.  She is also getting so many more black and brown spots around her entire body and is just beautiful".We couldn't be happier for Stella.  Kelly and Pete are just what this incredibly sweet pup needed the second time around. Enjoy your new life precious girl!
Be sure to watch our Facebook Page throughout this afternoon for some photos of Stella enjoying her new home!



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Major is Adopted!