Major is Adopted!

Major DSC_0553w64When Wendy applied to adopt a new GSP for her family, she had a young female in mind. Lucky for Major, she also knew that a good fit for her family was the most important requirement! Having a well-behaved and nice family dog that they could take with them was their first priority, so when Wendy saw Major on the website, she felt he could be the one for them.Wendy, Tim and Simon met Major at the rescue, knew he was something special, and made him part of their family. They've updated us since taking him home, telling us, "He is just so gentle and happy to be hanging around us" and "He is such a sweet dog--he is great in the car and goes everywhere with us.  We have to work on walking with a leash, but other than that he is very well behaved.  We are all enjoying him immensely."Although our adopters often want a young dog to have more time with them, it is quite gratifying for us to meet so many adopters that are MOST concerned with the personality of the dog and great to see that so many adopters, like Wendy, can appreciate what a special dog a GSP can be - at any age!Major has been adopted, but we still have many wonderful dogs waiting for a family to take them home. Take a look at our available dogs here.


Spice is Adopted!


Baron and Brook are Safe!