Shugga Is Safe!

Shugga is Safe GSP Shelter RescueA short time after Shugga showed up at a local Southern California shelter California GSP Rescue was notified. Once notified, she was on our radar. It's not unusual for the purebred GSPs to be claimed by their owners 1 or 2 days later. If the dog has a collar and tags or, better yet, microchipped, the shelters will notify the owners and the lucky dogs are sometimes claimed withing a few hours of arriving. Shugga wasn't so lucky. She didn't have a collar and tags; she wasn't microchipped; and she wasn't claimed by her owner after being held the mandatory five days. While she sat in the shelter waiting, we monitored her and contacted volunteers to see who was available to help in the event she wasn't claimed by her owner. Fortunately, Volunteer David, who regularly helps with transports, was able to go to the shelter when Shugga was made available. Since she was unaltered, the shelter was required to spay Shugga before releasing her. Arrangements were made and David made a second trip.We also learned that Shugga had an issue with her eyes. The paperwork from the shelter stated she had an ocular disease. The insides of her eyelids appeared to be swollen. Chronic conjunctivitis.  Her eyes had been infected and not treated for so long her body reacted causing the insides of her eyelids to swell. Now it wasn't so surprising her owner never claimed her when she was at the shelter. She was probably a nuisance. An extra bill to see the vet and get the medication she needed or perhaps the owner just lacked the time to take the few minutes each day to medicate her eyes. Either way, the owner was now free of his burden which might have been the best thing to happen for Shugga. Now that Shugga is safe, she'll receive the medication for her eyes and a forever home that will provide her with the love and attention she deserves.We are thankful for the volunteers that monitor she shelters and notify us when they see a GSP or a dog that might be a GSP. Shelters are not obligated to contact us or any other rescue. Those emails and notifications letting us know the shelter and id number are greatly appreciated. Information obtained from Facebook or other social media can be old and delayed making it difficult for us to act on. We also greatly appreciate David and the other volunteers that help transport. It's often challenging to find someone to visit the shelter then help transport only to have to make last minute changes. A big thanks to David for juggling his schedule to accommodate transporting Shugga the next day. Last but not least, thank you to those of you that make donations and allow us to continue rescuing dogs. As an all volunteer organization there isn't a portion of donations designated for salaries. All donations go to helping provide for the dogs until a forever home can be found.[give_form id="33769"]


Remy and Beau are Safe!


Here's Why We Rescue