Here's Why We Rescue

rescueheroHere's why the volunteers donate their time at California GSP Rescue. Here's why we donate our money as well. Here's why we have raffles and events to raise money - and here's why we are asking you to become a Rescue Hero.BEAU is the newest addition to our reasons why. Beau has Addison's Disease. His medications are about $100/month - and he's totally worth it. Beau is a fun-loving, loyal and sweet dog. He was abandoned at a shelter when his owner couldn't afford to care for him. Without us stepping in, it is doubtful he would have been adopted. We will continue to care for Beau until his forever home is found.NIELS didn't have a medical issue, but he had behavioral issues. We saw a sweet and loving dog that we knew we could help. We paid for special behavioral training and Niels is living a wonderful life with his new family. Without financial support, we wouldn't be able to afford the extra training Niels needed and the shelter would have been the last home he ever knew. had no chance of getting adopted from the shelter - with both medical and behavioral issues. We took Moochie anyway, and worked with him to get along with other dogs. Unfortunately, his medical issues were more serious than we thought. We made a promise to Moochie to give him as much time as we could. It was expensive, but it was worth it. GSP Rescue has one guiding philosophy about making decisions for the dogs in our care: "what would we do if this was our pet, our family member?" We hope to have more wonderful people become one of our Heroes, so that we never have to say, "can we afford to take this dog?"Rescue Heroes make a monthly donation to the Rescue. Rescue Heroes allow us to say "Yes!", not just to the easy dogs, the young dogs, the puppies but also to the seniors that may take longer to adopt, the deserving and wonderful dogs that just need some medication or training, and to the dogs who need operations and extraordinary care.Will you consider becoming a Rescue Hero?Learn more here about becoming a Rescue Hero.


Shugga Is Safe!


Tater: Gone Too Soon