Should Old Acquaintances Be Forgotten...Auld Lang Syne

Should old acquaintances be forgotten, And never brought to mind, Should old acquaintances be forgotten, And days of long ago...

For times gone by, my dear For times gone by, We will take a cup of kindness yet For times gone by...We two have run about the hillsides And pulled the daisies fine, But we have wandered many a weary foot For times gone by...We two have waded in the stream From noon until dinner time, But seas between us broad have roared Since times gone by...And there is a hand, my trusty friend, And give us a hand of yours, And we will take a goodwill drink For times gone by...And surely you will pay for your pint, And surely I will pay for mine... And we will take a cup of kindness yet For times gone by...As we end 2012 and begin 2013, we would like to take a moment to remember all those lives that entered our rescue and touched our hearts this past year.  Some found homes, some are still in our care, and some have left us...We would like to take this opportunity to thank our founder, Jan who's dedication and love for the breed has made it possible to rescue so many,  all of the volunteers who hold full time jobs and still manage to work tirelessly to transport, foster, rehabilitate, and find forever homes for these magnificent dogs, and those that support us with your donations.  It takes a team to do what we do, and we are grateful to the phenomenal group of people who allow us to continue to do what we do...Happy New Year from all of us at the CA GSP Rescue!




Hope ~ One year later...became a swan...