Hope ~ One year later...became a swan...

It's always difficult going to shelters to pull dogs as there are so many that need help. Knowing that we have limited resources, and would be quickly overwhelmed, is what keeps us focused at the task at hand.When we went to pull a dog from the high kill Devore shelter last year, we realized that she was not a purebred GSP.  She was in the kennel with her adult pup that looked more like a Lab. Seeing them both in the kennel makes you feel completely helpless. One dog is young and, even though a Mix, wouldn't be difficult to find a home, the other dog is much older and typically would be much more difficult to place. It was bitter sweet when someone from another rescue approached the kennel and said they would be pulling the offspring of the girl we went to see.When searching for a reason to walk away from the shelter empty handed, a call was made to our founder, Jan, to explain that Hope wasn't a purebred GSP and all the evidence supporting this decision.  Because of Jan's huge heart, and being who she is, she demanded that Hope was a purebred GSP and not to leave her. At that time, we did not know that we had the perfect match for her right in our own rescue family.Teri is one of our volunteers, and has always helped GSP Rescue even when she was going through difficult times in her own life. Initially she provided a much appreciated foster home that gave Hope a chance at a new life."Hope came into my life just when I needed her most.  I am so grateful to Greg and Jan for pulling her from the shelter, knowing she wasn't a purebred, but recognizing just how special she was.  Little did they know how important that was not only to Hope, but also to me.  Senior dogs like Hope are often overlooked and would die in a shelter.  Very few people are able to look beyond the age and outer exterior and see the real beauty inside.  Just as in the story of The Ugly Duckling about a homely little bird born in a barnyard who suffers abuse from his surroundings until, much to his delight (and to the surprise of others), he matures into a beautiful swan, the most beautiful bird of all. The story is beloved around the world as a tale about personal transformation for the better. Hope is a beautiful, amazing companion and friend to me, and I am completely and utterly in love with her.  And yes, although she is only part GSP, she is a typical "velcro dog".  I can't imagine how anyone could have treated her poorly and given her up, but their trash is my treasure, and I will cherish her forever."Hope once deemed to produce litter after litter, only to be abandoned when they were done with her, now fit, trim and happy, living a wonderful life with her new family.  It goes to show you what miracles can happen with a loving human touch, an abundance of care and unconditional love.It's difficult to express how grateful we were to Teri for opening her heart and home when she agreed to foster Hope. When she failed at fostering and adopted Hope, no one had any idea at the time what Hope had given Teri in return.This is a magical and beautiful story of a dog and an adopter who truly rescued each other...We wanted to share some before and after pictures of Hope from when she was pulled from the shelter by the CA GSP Rescue, and now enjoying her life today...Hope_DSC_1082w64My beautiful Hope 8-3-14Hope and Jenny 5-18-14Hope Me and Jenny 2013.jpg


Should Old Acquaintances Be Forgotten...Auld Lang Syne


Priscilla is adopted!