Shoko is Adopted!

Shoko_Zack_Sam_DSC_5568w64Sometimes a match seems obvious even before the dogs and people meet. Such was the case when Sam and his dog Zack applied for a new friend. Sam described his dog Zack to his adoption counselor in great detail - and Zack's personality sounded just like Shoko to her!Sam and Zack met Shoko and were impressed by what a great dog  he was; both boys got along great, and Shoko went home with Sam.  There were a few adjustments for both dogs as neither had lived with another dog before, but Sam was observant and made corrections right away. He recently reported back to us, "They are doing FABULOUS together now.  I mean their personalities are so so similar...  They play together, wrestle and chase squirrels.  Walks have been extremely easy."Shoko has taught Zack to enjoy the pool and Zack is teaching Shoko the new house rules. They are becoming great friends and brothers, and Sam is enjoying his new pack!   


National Dog Day - August 26th


Sparks is Adopted!