Scout is Adopted!

Scout_IMG_1701w64Mike ran into one of our volunteers over a year before adopting, stopped his car and talked to our volunteer (walking their two dogs and a foster) about how he had a GSP as a kid and he'd always wanted one and how they felt the time was coming soon for them to adopt.  He got the name of our rescue and then we did not hear from Mike for about six months.  Then one day he put an application in and his family had jointly decided the time was right for them to bring a GSP into their lives.This family was open to various dogs but, since they don't go to dog parks, knew they did not need a dog that did great with all other dogs but needed a dog that would do well with their older children.  They met a couple of dogs and Scout and her loving personality won them over.They still run into one of our volunteers when they're out walking sweet Scout often, and they always let us know how much they love her.


Gretchen Update In Her Own Words


Meet Opal... A Gem Of A GSP