Scout is Adopted!

scout_adoptionScout is Adopted! Previous adopters Bill and Linda had lost their adopted GSP, Murphy, after many years, and realized their home was far too quiet without the companionship of a dog. When they described all the things they loved about their previous GSP, we felt that Scout would be a wonderful match for them. They were a little concerned that his previous owner said he didn't like being hugged - but they decided they'd come meet him, and if he was a match, they could work at slowly getting Scout used to a little hug.Happily, Scout was a good match for them, and Bill and Linda have their new GSP! They wrote us shortly after taking him home to tell us how wonderfully he rode in the car, how much he enjoyed being toweled off after his bath, and that he happily slept with his head on a down pillow! Most importantly they tell us, "Thank you and everyone that has helped us to complete our family. He has many traits of Murphy and it puts such a big smile on our face and warm spot in our hearts again" - that's exactly how we feel at GSP Rescue when we know a dog is a valued member of a family!


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