Molly is Adopted!

molly gsp adopted rescue #CAGSPRESCUEMolly is Adopted, and at home with Colin, Nancy and their dachshund Millie. Molly is the fifth German Shorthaired Pointer they have adopted from us over the years, and they have great experience with the energy and companionship needs of the breed.Molly is a very people and dog-social dog and they took her on her first outing to a Superbowl party a little while after adopting her.  She made about twenty new friends and ended up snuggling up and sleeping on some of the children that were watching the game.  She was a hit and even took some of the attention away from the game!Knowing Molly can get over a fence, Nancy is taking her to dog parks very cautiously and has noticed she can take an interest in a block wall.  She verbally corrects her and takes her to another area of the park and Molly is quite happy to oblige.  At home Colin and Nancy have discovered that Molly's favorite things to do are to sleep on the couch or cuddle up next to either one of them.Molly will be going on long hikes and lounging on the couch with Nancy and Colin for many years to come, and we know she will be a well loved GSP, just as she should be.


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