Sammi is Adopted!

A few months ago, CA GSP Rescue received a call about Sammi from a shelter worker. There was a Wirehaired Pointer who would not be made available to the public. She could never be adopted at the shelter because her owners turned her in and said she was dying from cancer. We could hear the hopelessness in the woman's voice - she knew there was only one thing the shelter would be able to do with this sweet dog. The Rescue volunteer who took the call just happened to be the foster mom of Alissa. Alissa spent her last few months under the care of this foster, dying of cancer. Despite how difficult loosing Alissa was, there was no hesitation - we would take this dog, too.CA GSP Rescue volunteers moved into action and soon this GWP was safe at the Rescue, and named Sammi. An exam and  biopsy were done even before she went to her foster home. We hoped there would be something we could do. After an agonizing wait, we found out Sammi did not have cancer, but Valley Fever. Given her condition, it was clear it had been ravaging her system for awhile, and we believed took her sight in one eye, but at least there was a treatment! Medications were started right away, but Sammi continued to have no appetite, no energy, and we feared the worst. But then, all of a sudden, there it was - she was hungry! Despite a few "down" days, she steadily improved. Dave and Julia had applied to adopt Sammi even before she started feeling better. They had a good knowledge of dealing with Valley Fever, and they knew they could help Sammi. Plus, she was just adorable! We put Sammi's foster mom in touch with them and we waited for her to be well enough to be adopted. That day came much sooner than expected, and Julia and Dave took her home! Just a few months earlier we thought we'd be providing hospice care - this felt like nothing less than a miracle!Julia and Dave have enlisted a team of specialists to continue Sammi's care. She has continued to exceed expectations. She has gone from 35 pounds to 48. She feels good and looks good. She chases lizards, demands pets, and snuggles with her humans and canine siblings (two other adorable furry-faced dogs!). She has taken an airplane ride with Dave, a pilot. Julia tells us she had no problems with the flight - except that she couldn't get pets while Dave was flying! Sammi, now called Peanut, may even gain the sight back in her eye. To say we found the perfect adopters for Sammi would be an understatement. We are forever grateful to the shelter worker who didn't just give up, our volunteers who drop everything to rescue a sick dog, our fosters who spend countless hours caring for dogs that will not be staying with them, and amazing adopters like Julia and Dave, who do whatever it takes for their new girl Peanut.We couldn't have saved Sammi without the help of our supporters. Without you, we would not exist! Please consider becoming a Rescue Hero. A $20 recurring donation commitment per month provides for one transport to get a dog from a shelter to safety. Every dog's life matters, and they deserve a fighting chance. Thankfully Sammi's life was saved and changed for the better forever.


Meet Max!


Rocky is Safe!