Rocky is Safe!

Rocky is SafeIt's been a busy summer with dogs needing medical. When California GSP Rescue inquired about Rocky, we learned that his toenail was missing and the shelter was concerned about the swelling and possible infection. For anyone that has ever had a dog that has ripped a toenail off, they know it is extremely painful and requires medical attention as the nail bed can become infected. California GSP Rescue didn't waste time after being asked to help with a GSP in need and made immediate plans to get Rocky from the shelter.When the Animal Control Officer walked Rocky out from the kennel to the volunteer, Rocky, unsure what the man with the leash was going to do, stopped several feet away. In pain and fearing what might happen, he gave a little growl. This isn't unusual for an injured dog stressed in a strange place. The volunteer that had been approaching slowly stopped knowing the situation could possibly escalate if he continued moving forward.  After a moments pause, the Animal Control Officer continued toward the door as the volunteer flanked Rocky and the Officer. A less confrontational meeting that allowed Rocky to see the man meant no harm. A few minutes later, after the freedom walk, the volunteer, the same man that Rocky initially feared,  would assist in helping him into the back of the car.The Animal Control Officer assisted the volunteer in getting a closer look at Rocky's paw that was the size of a large orange with a gaping hole where the toenail had been. Not only was the toenail missing, but the entire tip of his toe was sliced open. Like Gunther, who had been rescued a few weeks earlier, there was a concern of infection and possibly gangrene.Shortly after leaving the shelter, Dr Kang was contacted letting him know about the injury. While it was too late to get Rocky in that day, Dr Kang recommended soaking the wound as well as starting him on antibiotics until he could be brought in for further exam.Unsure of his new surroundings and the people, Rocky was reluctant about having his paw soaked but with some coaxing he relented. During this time, he became to trust those individuals that helped soak his paw and seemed to know they had his best interest in mind. When Dr Kang examined the paw a few days later, he was concerned that the toe, or at least the first digit, might need to be removed. With the trauma, there might be damage to the nail bed that could cause future problems. However, after an x-ray was taken of Rocky's paw, that was no longer the concern. He wasn't just missing his nail but the first two digits of his toe. Dr Kang speculated that a tire running over the toe could have ripped the toenail and two digits leaving an open wound like Rocky had. Still swollen, Dr Kang was unsure Rocky would be able to keep the toe, but recommended to continue soaking the paw and giving him antibiotics to see if the toe could be saved.While Rocky was now safe from any misfortune that might happen to him at the shelter, the volunteer of California GSP Rescue concentrated their efforts to see if they could now save his toe. As everyone knows, taking dogs to the Vet can be expensive. While Dr Kang works with California GSP Rescue donating some of this time and discounting services, California GSP Rescue relies on support from donors to be able to make decisions to pull dogs like Rocky from the shelter. If you would like to be part of this team and help support the efforts to helps rescue German Shorthaired Pointers, please consider making a donation to the annual Strut Your Mutt fundraiser. Donations will help cover the expenses of Rocky and other dogs like him that need medical attention.After four weeks of attempting to save Rocky's toe (daily soaks and bandaging) and it not fully healing, Dr Kang recommended it be removed. The surgery was performed two days ago and Rocky is in good spirits resting on antibiotics and pain medication. He should be signed off in a couple of weeks by Dr Kang.


Sammi is Adopted!


In Memory of Sweet Nellie