Ruger Is Adopted!

Oh, Yes, Rupert is staying for as long as we both shall live! He is so funny, so personable, so intuitive of my feelings, (he will come right up close to me, gaze into my eyes, and then a tender smooch on my nose), when we're sitting on the floor he will quite often gently (but very determined and persistent) put a paw out onto my lap or arm and continue till he gets a pat, awwwww.... He is a great watchdog, and best of all, such a wiggle-butt! (and such a hunter - wasted on me but comical to see him chase the lizards before I dismantled the fire pit lined with lava rocks where they liked to live.) Ah, I took away a big part of his purpose in life, what a meanie But, never fear - there are SQUIRRELS at the dog park, and they do like to tease the dogs. He never fails to get a laugh from me. I'm going to make major, and I mean major changes to my back yard - removing plants to the front yard, removing the ugly wire dog fencing barriers which were "just a suggestion" to Rupert to challenge him to jump higher!! - adding another two feet of cinder blocks to an area between my yard/neighbors (presently lined with aging grapestakes which won't stand the test of a Rupert 'attack' should any lizard or rat dare to run the fence (which they do). He's respectful of Po, never challenges him on any level (respect for his elders!) What a guy. I feel sorry for the family that must be missing him, especially if they had kids - he loves my 7 year old grandson; they're a perfect match - two active little boys!!
A cute Rupert story... He had me in stitches. This dog... I initially thought he is so wasted on me - he needed to be placed with someone who would HUNT with him - and what I love him for so much are the tender, emotional support he's given me so freely and his antics - I really feel there's a real person inside of him. This morning he was standing at the back door out to the world - the street - and went complete berserk when spotting a cat that ran behind my car. He quivered, he was spot on, he HOWLED the most heartbreaking, but excited, howls, the likes of which I've never heard before from any dog, most of which came from the GSP rescue over the years. He found his intended prey and only closing the house door somewhat silenced him. The frustrated howls continued. The neighbors must have thought I was abusing him. It took a long time for him to quiet down. I was laughing so hard I had tears running down my face - he quieted, tiptoed over, looked at me with THOSE EYES and again (as he does) gently put his two front feet on my lap, gave me the tenderest of kisses - either to get rid of the tears or get closer to the avocado toast I had just eaten, looking for crumbs. More happy tears, this Rupert is such a character. Have you ever tried to type when a dog is 1/2 in your lap, nudging you for pats (or crumbs?)
There are bound to be a million more Rupert moments for me to look forward to and I couldn't be happier about it. Even Po has perked up a bit lately & occasionally has a bit of pep in his step these days.
I am thankful for everyone who facilitated my adoption of Rupert! I adore him even though he is pestering me like crazy right now to go "OUT" and I don't mean to potty - he just needs to get out between the raindrops! He is just so funny, sweet, loving, etc. etc. o.k., o.k., Rupert! Warm thanks again to all, Karen, Rupert, Po"
And that is what rescue is all about. Thank you Karen and Po for welcoming Ruger, now known as Rupert into your home and into your hearts. We couldn't be happier.