In Loving Memory Of Reggie

Reggie was surrendered to us when sadly, his owner was having some long term health issues, and could no longer give him the attention he deserved. His owner reached out to us to ask us to assist in finding Reggie a home that would be able to give him plenty of love and fulfill his needs. We brought him into our program and made a promise that we would do just that.Joe and Kris applied with us to add an adult dog to their family to be a companion for their male GSP, Oz. They were in no rush, and were willing to wait for the right dog. When we put Reggie up on our website, Joe contacted us and wanted to meet him. The meet and greet with he and Kris and Oz couldn’t have gone better, and well, Joe and Kris were smitten, and took Reggie home to join their family.Reggie became their "Gentle Giant", and while there were a few challenges, Joe and Kris continued to help him successfully acclimate to his new surroundings and were completely and utterly in love with him.Sadly, we were recently notified by Joe and Kris that Reggie passed away in November. Our hearts are heavy, but we are so grateful Reggie was surrounded by a home full of love for the remainder of his life."We wanted to reach out to let you know we lost Reggie in November. Reggie was our biggest GSP ever at 90 pounds, but such a lover with no prey drive and loved everything from cats to bugs and would not hurt anything. He loved our Desert Tortoise and would watch over her every afternoon while she ate. He was such a character and very vocal. He would sing with Kris and maybe just my imagination but could say "I Love You". As all GSP owners know they love to cuddle and love the couch, bed and blankets. His older brother Oz who is 11 does miss him greatly, but is enjoying the extra attention he is getting right now as we are still missing Reggie and trying to fill the void by showering Oz with all the extra love. My favorite picture is of Reggie is staring into the sunlight as it gives me peace as that is how we will always remember him as we held him as we put him to sleep".ThanksJoe and KrisYou can read Reggie's Adoption Story here. Joe and Kris shared some photos of Reggie with us, and we will be sharing them on our Facebook page.

Ruger Is Adopted!


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