Ruby is adopted!

From time to time, California German Shorthaired Pointer Rescue helps out GSP Mixes. Such was the case with Ruby. While picking up Ruby's Mother, Sadie Sue, it was difficult to pass up such a sweet girl like Ruby especially given her age and that she was a Mix. Fortunately, Ruby had a great personality and was the perfect dog for Seth.Seth recently wrote," I just wanted to give you guys an update on Ruby. She has fit in great here in our home. My wife and I are in love with her and it seems she likes her new home as well. I have a shadow whenever I go anywhere. and its adorable. She has gotten a lot better with her training and has improved greatly on her walks. This afternoon when I took her on her late walk I only had to ask her to ease up twice. I thought that was great for a 40 min walk.We went on a hike in the San Gabriel mountain's a couple of weeks ago and she loved it (as was expected). My friend brought his Rottweiler puppy and she taught him how to be a hunting dog. It was adorable watching him follow her all around the hills. Every weekend we go to breakfast at a little diner in South Pasadena called Shakers. It has a nice little outside patio with rings under the table to tie off your dogs so she likes going out to breakfast. Anyway, just wanted to let you know things are good, and to thank you guys again for taking care of her when she needed a home."Thanks, Seth, for adopting Ruby and giving her the love and attention she needs! We are looking forward to hearing more about your and Ruby's adventures.


Tanner is safe!


Ebony is easy to walk