Rosa is Safe!

Rosa is SafeRosa is safe thanks to the efforts of many individuals and two rescues. As is often the case, once a dog in need is "noticed", the emails and facebook posts, and phone calls begin in earnest and there are many, many wonderful people who get involved. In Rosa's case, the need was quite urgent as she had been abandoned for many weeks in a yard in Tijuana. With only a few scraps thrown down to her, Rosa was wasting away when a good Samaritan decided to find someone who could help.Emaciated and weak, she was finally freed and taken to a local vet for treatment. Through the efforts of dog rescuers in Tijuana, in San Diego, people on Facebook who shared her story, Labs and More Rescue and California GSP Rescue, Rosie was soon on her way to San Diego and foster care provided by the founder of California GSP Rescue. Our many, many thanks go out to a number of people that saw to it Rosa didn't die in that yard, in particular, a huge thanks to Negar, Kerri, Lisa, and Cathy!Rosa is now safe and is being treated for a tick-borne disease, erlichiosis - first found by the vet in Tijuana. She will receive follow up care by the Rescue's Vet, Dr. Kang and foster mom Jan is making sure she is getting the good nutrition she needs, as well as plenty of love and understanding.Although Rosa is extremely timid and afraid, she seems fine with Jan's pack and is slowly getting used to the sights and sounds of a home. She was initially too scared to venture into the house and probably has never been afforded that luxury, but Jan persevered and she is now sleeping in a warm, safe crate in the living room. She is also occasionally napping on a dog bed, but this too seems like something completely unfamiliar to her. Rosa is no longer running away from Jan and is starting to approach her, so we hope Rosa is learning to trust her people again after her last family so horribly failed her.Watch our website for more on Rosa. She will be made available for adoption soon![donate_button button_type="default" title="Sponsor Rosa" description="Please help by making a small donation to sponsor Rosa" style="wdf-fresh"]


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