Rosie Is Adopted!

Greg and his wife applied to adopt a female GSP.  He was very far away and sometimes those distant applicants really can’t make the trip.  He, his wife, son and their dog made a two day drive at the drop of a hat in order to meet two dogs that would fit their lifestyle. We proposed two potential dogs that could be a match for them, and we were quite surprised when he emailed back that they were “headed home to pack and head out west to meet both that weekend”.  They drove all day, night and into the morning to meet them. As it ended up Rosie was a wonderful fit for their family, and they were a wonderful fit for her.  Below is a lovely update from them showing their commitment to this new member of their home: 

“Rosie is as special of a dog as you could imagine. Rosie is amazing. Her personality has blossomed, and her true personality is starting to come out and she is a funny girl! She is getting comfortable in her new home and enjoys her back yard, and it’s amazing how fast she is getting used to her new routine. I sent a video clip of me blowing her off with the air hose, as you can imagine she was not fond of that at first but soon realized it was going to be a daily ritual when we leave work and now stands patiently while I do it without me having to hold her.

Always so very curious and has hunted every critter in our back yard and the shop yard. The squirrels at home in the trees taunt her and drive her nuts! She has figured out the pecking order with the other dogs and they get along fine, except from time to time when grumpy old Mavis ( our blue heeler ) decides to gripe at her when she thinks she's out of line. Rosie loves going to the ranch, she runs a little too far out there but is getting easier to call back. 

She went to my younger grandsons baseball game, and I thought she was going to climb the fence to get to those balls they were throwing around, I’m looking forward to playing fetch with her soon. Her and I are going to the ranch this weekend so she will have fun exploring. 

Her and Boots got in a small tiff at the hotel but now they are best of friends. Mavis is just a bossy old lady and makes Rosie ride in the back seat on the way to work and tries her best to ignore her. 

We found her a new veterinarian so she was brought up to date on everything that is due. I blew up the motor on my boat so she hasn't gone to the lake yet but we hope to go soon, she seems to like water.

Everyone involved with this adoption has been extremely helpful and kind. Andrea was always extremely quick to get back with me and answered all our questions. Greg met us at the kennel when we arrived and walked us through the dogs we were interested in. His commitment to these animals is phenomenal. My wife said when we get ready for another dog we will make the 15 hour journey to get one from y'all. We will plan it better where we have more time to enjoy your area and take in some of the beaches and sights, that round trip over the weekend was a little tough but we are so glad we made it. 

Thank you Andrea, Greg and everyone that helped and takes care of these animals, you have a servants heart”.


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