Puppies Found Homes, Adult Dogs Left Behind: Help DJ, Doc, Lola & Raven Find Love

The inevitable question remained in the quiet aftermath of the dozen puppies finding homes: "Can you take the four adult dogs?" The fate of DJ, Doc, Lola, and Raven - four GSPs whose owner lay in the hospital - hinged on a single answer as his family, with heavy hearts, faced an agonizing choice and turned to California GSP Rescue in a last-ditch effort for help.
As the last puppies found eager homes, the adult dogs faced an uncertain future. Despite the overwhelming desire for cute bundles, the adult dogs struggled to attract attention. Their fate was just an answer away  - either find them homes or take them to the shelter.

Behind this heart-wrenching decision was a story of love, responsibility, and the unforeseen challenges of pet ownership. The owner, battling illness in the ICU, had to surrender his beloved dogs and their recent litter of puppies. Without a plan, the family's only recourse was the animal shelter. Unaware of breed-specific rescues, they turned to social media for help.

Enter Michelle from Oasis Rescue, seeing the plea for help and determined to make a difference. Unable to handle sixteen dogs, she connected with California GSP Rescue, specializing in German Shorthaired Pointers. A coordinated effort unfolded as Michelle, Volunteers Greg, and Peggy prepared for a rescue mission.

However, a last-minute twist changed everything. Just an hour before the meeting, the family announced they had found homes for all the dogs! The immediate concern was who adopted the dogs and what would be their fate - would they eventually end up at Rescue? But the family's joy was short-lived; there was another unexpected turn as the plan hadn't worked out for the adult dogs, and they were left behind. The family's desperate plea to California GSP Rescue was answered swiftly, sparing DJ, Doc, Lola, and Raven from the uncertain fate of being surrendered to the animal shelter.

Their story serves as a poignant reminder to pet owners everywhere - have a plan in place. Life's unpredictability may leave your pets in vulnerable situations. Check your adoption contracts, consult with rescues, and make financial provisions in your will. Ensure your cherished companions do not end up in shelters out of desperation.

DJ, Doc, Lola, & Raven are now safe as California GSP Rescue learns about each of them to help facilitate their adoptions. Lola and Raven don't get along. All like to play ball and fetch. While all are birdie, Lola prefers optimal conditions and would choose an indoor dog bed over a cold, wet morning playing fetch.

California GSP Rescue, an all-volunteer organization, now appeals for your help. Share this post and the video on social media and become a part of the solution. Let's find loving homes for DJ, Doc, Lola, and Raven, offering them the care and warmth they deserve in their remaining years. Your assistance can rewrite the ending of their tale and give them the forever homes they long for.

If you want to meet DJ, Doc, Lola, or Raven, fill out an adoption application and give one of these deserving pups the loving home they deserve. Remember, every adoption frees up space for California GSP Rescue to save another dog in need. But even if you can't adopt a GSP, you can still be a hero. Consider becoming a Rescue Hero and supporting California GSP Rescue's lifesaving efforts with a monthly donation.


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