Rosa, the Perfect Cup-of-Coffee Dog!

rosa_yardRosa recently changed foster homes. Not that her first foster didn't like her, but we felt it would help Rosa be a little less shy if she had more activity around her. We also recently discovered Rosa has some hip dysplasia and an old injury causing her some pain. The prescription for this is some mild pain relievers and some regular exercise in the form of walks. Adopters and volunteers Jill and Mason, and their 4 sons, seemed like the perfect home to give Rosa what she needs while she waits for her adopter. We were thrilled when they agreed to be her foster family!  Here is an update from her foster mom after a week in her new home:"She had a bath and a manicure when we brought her home, and although kind of disoriented at first, seems to have fully explored the house and yard by now.  Her second day here, she fashioned a little "hooch" for herself over on the far side of the yard behind some bushes.  She scratched around at the dirt to make a "Rosa-sized" spot, and she likes to hang out over there for part of the day.We started walking her right away, trying to get her out for tiny, slow walks 2 or 3 times a day. At first it was literally just 3 houses down the street and back.  Well this morning she made it all the way to the end of our street and back!! I'll admit, I got a bit teary-eyed when we reached the end of the street.  I have decided she is the perfect "cup of coffee" dog, because her leisurely strolling pace is perfect for uncoordinated people like me to walk and drink coffee at the same time.  Her pace has only picked up a tiny bit, but seeing her able to walk for a much longer amount of time feels like progress.  She is taking more of an interest in stopping and sniffing things (we have a "NO RUSHING ROSA" policy, she gets to stop as much and for as long as she wants!), so maybe she'll start to look forward to her walks.As you can probably imagine with 4 kids in the house, she is being lavished with attention. She doesn't seem to like it all that much and never seeks us out looking for attention, but she tolerates us.  We'll keep it up and see what happens. She is a very sweet girl, and we really like having her around."Rosa has quite a story...  Learn more about Rosa here.

Save The Date For The 2016 Ventura Pooch Parade!


Trooper Is Adopted!