Rolo Is Safe!

ModestoGSP2013-3_w640Rolo was found and taken to the local shelter. When no one came to claim him, plans were made between NorCal GSP Rescue and California GSP Rescue to make sure this boy found his way to safety.This past weekend, those plans were put into motion and on Monday, Rolo found himself in the care of California GSP Rescue and one step closer to his forever home.There are many people who helped make this happen. Thanks to NorCal Volunteers Barbara, Kate, Shawn, & Robin; Transporter Donna B; and California GSP Rescue Volunteers Jon & Connie. Each person had a hand in rescuing Rolo, and we thank you!If you want to learn more about Rolo, check back here. We'll be posting more about him soon!




Dexter Is Adopted!