Dexter Is Adopted!

D7K_2450Dogs often come to us when their owners cannot keep them; Dexter was such a dog. His owner, much to Dexter's benefit, was able to keep him at home until a suitable adopter was found - and boy did we find a suitable adopter! Jennifer is a quail biologist who came to us looking for a dog to help her find quail, and to be her constant companion. Dexter, well under way with his hunt training AND tolerant of cats (Jennifer also has a playful cat, Bug) seemed like a perfect fit.Dexter is lucky to have Jennifer and the constant companionship, training, and love she is providing. She recently wrote to tell us, " I love Dexter so much. He brings me such joy each day, and most importantly, I realized suddenly that I am surrounded by my own little family. What a delight!"Many thanks to the many folks who helped achieve this perfect match: Dexter's former owner who came to a rescue instead of relinquishing him to the shelter, Jennifer for coming to a rescue instead of going to a breeder - and for having the patience to wait for just the right dog, and the many dedicated volunteers who work every day to help these wonderful dogs find just the right human for them! 


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