Robbie One Year Later

robbieWe love hearing from our adopters. Robbie was adopted a year ago by Tyler and Julia, and recently sent in the following update:"Robbie is doing well and loves living up in the mountains (as far as we can tell)! He has settled in nicely to our routine and it seems like he knows he belongs here now. He and Vienna get along nicely although I think he has given her a few more grey hairs on her chin. His favorite activities are running around the ranch chasing critters, looking out the windows at critters, and cuddling. He has become a good walker although we still use the Gentle Leader with him as he gets excited when he sees an animal, which is pretty often up here. Robbie and Vienna get very excited when they know we are heading out for our walks!About once a week we walk around the lake (about 12 miles) and that wears him out for an hour or two. His biggest flaw now is that he will run if a guest accidentally lets him outside without a leash; although he will just run to where ever he last saw a chipmunk. Other than that, Robbie is a great dog; very loving and smart (maybe too smart?). It's hard to get Robbie and Vienna to stand still for a picture; unless they are sleeping, but I will attach several for you guys."Visit our Facebook page to see more photos!


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In Memory of Klaus... The Face We Will Never Forget