In Memory of Klaus... The Face We Will Never Forget

Klaus BioIf you follow our website, and were on Facebook back in May of 2013, you might remember the 13 year old GSP that was surrendered to the shelter by his owners, when they were no longer able to care for him.  The photo went viral, and we did not waste any time getting him to safety.  We named him Klaus, and from that moment, his life changed forever.Klaus went into a foster home immediately with a wonderful family of children, dogs, chickens, a goat and a pig, and was surrounded by love, giggles, played dressed up, and ran around the yard and played with the other dogs as if he had regained his youth.  In April of 2014, Klaus caught the eye of a previous adopter, and they became his forever home.We recently received the very sad news from his family, that Klaus has passed away.  Klaus captured our hearts, and the hearts of so many that followed his story along the way.  Klaus was very special.  A kind, loving, perfect little gentleman with the most incredible face, who loved everyone he met, people, kids and dogs alike.  Klaus was an instant celebrity and volunteer favorite, and even paid it forward by bringing exposure to one of his shelter mates who found a home as well.  Klaus will be long remembered by all of us here at the rescue, as well as by those who's lives he touched along the way."We wanted to let you know that we sent our sweet boy over the rainbow on 10/10. Klaus was an amazing old guy who touched our family in such a special way. We miss him dearly but we knew it was time to send him off with the dignity he deserved as his health was quickly failing. The vet said they rarely see such stoic animals... He really was an awesome and loyal companion. His dapper old white face is forever etched in our minds and his sweet nature lives in our hearts. There won't ever be another one like him but we know he's leash free-roaming and running with grace now. Much thanks to everyone at the California GSP Rescue for all that was done to help Klaus in his final season of life. Fondly, Julie, Jim, Kelin, Cole, Charlie and GSP brother Samson"Our hearts and condolences go out to Klaus' family.  We are truly grateful to you for giving Klaus a loving home, and cherishing him as part of your family.  Rest peacefully Klaus... We will never forget you.You can read more about Klaus' journey here.


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