Rio is Safe!

Rio Duran Duran GSP Pointer Dog Rescue Rio was a stray that was picked up by a local kill shelter and incorrectly labeled a "brown English Pointer". Had it not been for a volunteer looking for another GSP at a shelter and happened to see Rio's fuzzy photo, it's likely California GSP Rescue would never had found out about her. As it so happened, the holding time was up for Rio and she was being put on the "e" list* the next day. When we contacted the shelter, we were told she was older and had several lumps and bumps almost as if they were giving the Rescue an out not to pick her up. The animal control officer added that she would need medical attention possibly giving another out. California GSP Rescue has never NOT rescued a dog because they were too old or because they might need medical attention. While there is more of a demand for younger GSPs that are often more adoptable, older dogs at the shelters are given the same consideration as younger dogs even if the older dogs need medical attention. The volunteer persisted and Rio was taken off the "e" list provided that someone could pick her up the next day. Arrangements were quickly made with the animal control officer to pick up Rio from the shelter and transport her closer to her forever home. Rio is now safe!A few days after being rescued from the shelter, Dr Kang gave her a checkup and said the lumps were nothing to worry about as they appeared to be lipomas - fatty lumps commonly found in adult and older GSPs. He recommended keeping an eye to make sure none caused her any physical discomfort or obstacle as that would be cause for removal. California GSP Rescue has been watching her and giving her plenty of attention. She enjoys the attention and being lazy on her dog bed. If you are interested in sponsoring Rio, we encourage you to click the link below and make a donation. While she currently doesn't appear to need any medical attention, your donation will help pay for food and any supplies to make her comfortable while she is in the care of California GSP Rescue.* "e" list isn't a list you'll hear or see on Entertainment Tonight but short for euthanasia list. It's the list the majority of the dogs at the shelters will be included on if not adopted. The younger dogs have a much better chance of not making the list while the adult and older dogs have a greater chance of making the list. Unfortunately, there are more dogs than adopters and not enough rescues. With shelters not having enough space to keep all the dogs being turned in or found as strays, euthanasia is the shelters solution. California GSP Rescue has partnered with a number of shelters in Southern and Central California to try and make a difference. You can help support our efforts by sponsoring Rio.[donate_button button_type="custom" title="Sponsor Rio" description="Rio was rescued from the euthanasia list at a kill shelter and is now looking for her forever home thanks to California GSP Rescue. " style="wdf-fresh"]


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