Meet Sterling!

Sterling     dsc_5046w64(1)Sterling is an approximately 4 year old male German Shorthaired Pointer with all of the energy and athleticism of a young dog. Luckily, he runs beautifully with a skateboard and bike so getting him the exercise he needs can be easy and fun!He is sweet, gentle and affectionate with his people, and loves getting the attention from all of the volunteers.Sterling is quickly learning to be friends with the easy, mild-mannered dogs at the rescue, and plays with them in the field.  He also loves to play fetch! He would be happy to live in a home as the king of the household with someone that works from home, but he would also do well in a home with other dogs as he loves the companionship from people and dogs alike. He could also be a candidate to co-habitate in a home with a cat!The perfect home for Sterling would be with a person or family that would give him plenty of daily exercise and devoted to continue his training on house manners and the basics so that he can thrive in his home environment.If you feel Sterling would be a good fit for your active lifestyle, please apply here.


Rio is Safe!


Major Wants A Forever Home!