Rescuing Hope: Tango And Shogun Find Freedom From Shelter

The Los Angeles animal shelter was a din of barks and whimpers, starkly contrasting to the usual bustle. The aftermath of the Fourth of July had left it overflowing, a heartbreaking group of lost and abandoned souls. Two German Shorthaired Pointers, Tango and Shogun, stood out among the countless animals seeking refuge.

Volunteer Greg arrived on a mission, his heart heavy with the knowledge of the shelter's plight. Usually, his day would begin with the promise of a single rescue, but today, fate had other plans. Greg's day started early as he had already visited another shelter earlier this morning to rescue Annie. The afternoon stretched before him, a promise of hope for another two dogs trapped in a kennel with the clock ticking. Like many other volunteers, Greg plays a crucial role in these rescue missions, offering hope and a new life to needy animals.

Shogun, a young GSP with a soulful gaze, met Greg in the lobby. His head tilted in confusion, a party cone adding a touch of absurdity to his predicament. Despite the discomfort, his tail wagged a tentative greeting. Veronica, the adoption coordinator, led Greg to the kennels, where a pair of GSP’s shared a kennel. Tango looked up almost pleadingly, hoping this visitor would take him while Shogun, a young GSP with a soulful gaze, waited in the lobby.

Tango, a handsome boy with a gentle demeanor, had been there for nearly a week, a victim of someone else's carelessness. Jango, his kennel mate, was a longer-term resident, his spirit dampened by the endless days of confinement. While Jango had been there longer, he remained on hold in hopes that someone was coming to pick him up. Tango, the more recent arrival, would join Shogun on the road to a new life.

As Tango emerged from his kennel, his tail wagged with joy, a silent celebration of newfound freedom. He walked with purpose, a stark contrast to Shogun's cautious steps. Together, they were loaded into the car, their destinies intertwined.

Shade was scarce at the dog park, and Greg met fellow volunteer and dog trainer Keith to walk and play with Tango and Shogun, letting them unleash their boundless energy. Unleashed from the confines of the shelter, they transformed, their bodies stretching and spirits soaring. A burst of energy erupted as they discovered the joys of open space. But a momentary lapse in vigilance nearly turned their freedom into a new ordeal. A carelessly open gate tempted fate; the dogs were lost in a whirlwind of excitement, exploring the adjacent ballfield. Quickly reacting, Greg and Keith cornered them in the dugout to leash and walk them back to the dog portion of the park. GSP’s are smart and sometimes can get into trouble. Today, it just added to their adventure.

Bringing these dogs to safety is just the beginning. Finding them loving homes requires dedicated and patient Volunteers who provide a support network. Rescue Heroes, the backbone of this mission, fund the essential care and resources that make these rescues possible. Adopters, with their open hearts and homes, offer these dogs a second chance at a fulfilling life. Together, we can create a world where every GSP finds its happily ever after.

If you feel drawn to the spirit of these rescued dogs, consider submitting an adoption application or becoming a Rescue Hero. Your support is not just appreciated; it's crucial. You can make a profound difference in the lives of these animals.


Jango: A Rescue Story


4th of July Shelter Bust! Annie the GSP is Safe